I'm feeling a bit lost tonight. I took my husband to the little airport (airstrip really) and watched as the small plane flew away with him in it. I am so thankful for the work that God has provided that I don't want to complain about any of it. I will miss him when he's gone. He flew across the inlet to an oil camp to work. It's not any set schedule, so I don't exactly know when I will see him again. I don't imagine it will be longer than 3 weeks, but I hope it's sooner.
The first couple days are the hardest.
This is one of the reasons we are doing the NEED LESS PROJECT. If we didn't have a mortgage, it wouldn't matter if there was no work locally. We could hold out for the work that is here.
To make matters "worse", the puppies we've had for the last 8 weeks will be all in their new homes by tomorrow. That is actually a great answer to prayer, but I have to admit, I'll miss their little faces and silly antics. It will just be me and my two dogs!
I almost lost it today when, standing on the gravel just outside the airstrip office, my very much missed husband hugged me and prayed with me. I really, really love that man. He has been growing in Christ and I feel so honored to be his wife. I often hear parents talk about how their kids give them reasons to be better people. I feel that way about my husband. He has helped me grow in so many ways, not the least in my relationship with Christ.
My husband didn't leave me alone. He left me in the care of the One who is most able to care for me. I will be glad when he comes home, though!