Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tonight, Tonight!

Tonight is my debut as a Bible Study Leader! Am I ready? Why not? The study that I ordered did not come in. I had planned for it, so I don't have much of a backup plan, though I knew I should have made a plan B! Plan, plan, plan...
I know the plans I have for you...
Oh, I'm not in the least worried. God knows what we need for tonight, so I don't have to do ALL the planning. It may just be that this week is a week to specifically pray for particular people each day. I think I just lied a little. I WAS worried, but I have been calmed! Last night I was in a huge worry and panic trying to come up with a perfect week-long study. Just one week. I was thinking up questions and even trying to gather cross-references. Then I realized God's timing is perfect, and for His reasons, the study will start next week. No panic necessary!
I would ask for anyone to pray for me tonight. I will be giving my testimony. I want the focus to be wholly on God's transforming power in my life, not on "my" story. I don't want to lead anyone to think that they can continue in sin since God will forgive them until they feel that they can get back on track. I want to convey the freedom I have in living in Christ. I hope to share the fulfillment I receive from Him alone. My story isn't earth-shattering, and I think it will resonate with many. My life is far from perfect, either in my living it or in the blessings I receive. Life is still hard, but with Christ it is LIFE!
I did find the verse in Proverbs about the value of close friends. It is Proverbs 27:10 "Do not forsake your own friend or your father's friend, And do not go to your brother's house in the day of calamity; Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother far away."
I hope to be a better neighbor to these women. Many of us are far away from our families, and we need to gather together and support each other. I hope to be an example of Godly friendship!


  1. Oh, I'm so proud of you for just being obedient to start this Bible study!! God knows what those women need to hear tonight and maybe He felt like the arrival of the study would have taken away from the message you have to share with them. He will honor your faithfulness to be transparent and show them His love through how He has brought you through. I'll be praying for you!! It's going to be awesome -- exactly as He had it planned all along!!!

  2. Hey Meli, Praying that your testimony speaks to all the precious daughters of the Most High and lifts them up. Being authentic is (in my opinion) one of the great markers for a wonderful ministry, and showing a grace-filled love for the people around you. Have a wonderful time you will be held in very capable hands!!!! Hugs, Karen

  3. Yes! God's timing is perfect and His ways are often mysterious but BEST for all involved.
    Something good will come from it I am sure...
    Have enjoyed your moose story too!

  4. I love your blog Melissa! You did a great job of leading the group last night. It'll be fun to see what God has in store for us ladies!

  5. wow-- what an awesome God and what a beautiful faithful servant-- I am honored to have been your Mom... Love you

  6. I wish I could be your sister AND someone close! I am proud of how you are being obedient to God's call on your life. Keep it up. :) Love you--
